School Nurse
Email Linda Zuckerman
973-761-1619, x37008
Nurse's Corner

Linda Zuckerman
In an effort to keep our Wyoming community healthy and safe, I have a few reminders to share as we go into the 2024-2025 school year.
Incoming students:
Preschool, Kindergarten and all transfer students must have up-to-date immunizations prior to starting school. If your child has any health issues please contact the school nurse as soon as possible to provide information and establish a plan of care.
Medication Administration at School:
School Nurses are not permitted to dispense medication to students in school without a doctor's order. This includes over-the-counter products.
Medication in the original bottle and necessary paperwork from the health care provider must be submitted to the Nurse's office if your child needs to take medication during school hours. Forms are located on the right.
Flu Basics-Can be obtained from the NJ Department of Health link below
Information on antiviral Medication
The flu and you (English Version)
The flu and you (Spanish Version)
Preventing the Flu
Cover your Cough
NJ Dept. of Health Flu Information
Lice info can be obtained from the National Association of School Nurses: Link Here
Health Office Forms
New Student Forms
Medication Forms
Food Allergy Forms
Asthma Forms