General Information


Lunch can be ordered through Yay Lunch!

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures and Safety Reminders

The school day begins at 8:50 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m. 

Arrival Procedures

  1. Children should not arrive before 8:40 a.m.  

Kindergarten – Students should line up in front of the Pine Street door and enter the Pine Street entrance when doors open.

If arriving by car, please use the Pine Street car-line.  Please follow the appropriate procedures by remaining in your car, stay in the line, and allow the “Morning Greeter” to help exit your child safely between the drop-off cones.  The “Drop Off Zone” is marked on the sidewalk as well.  Please have your child exit the vehicle from the sidewalk side only.  Please proceed after dropping off and do not stop.  It is important that we keep a continuous flow of traffic, because of the busy time period.       

Grades 1 – Students should line up at the side of the Cypress Street door and enter the Cypress Street entrance when doors open. 

Grades 2 - 4 – Students should line up in the back lot and enter the building when the doors open.

Grades 1 - 4 - If arriving by car, please use the Cypress Street car-line.  Please follow the appropriate procedures by remaining in your car, stay in the line, and allow the “Morning Greeter” to help exit your child safely between the drop-off cones.  The “Drop Off Zone” is marked on the sidewalk as well.  Please have your child exit the vehicle from the sidewalk side only.  Please proceed after dropping off and do not stop.  We need to keep a continuous flow of traffic, because of the busy time period.  

2. For the safety of our children, please be certain to use the designated crosswalk areas and do not cross the street directly from your parked car.  Please do not park around the perimeter (adjacent to the sidewalks) of Wyoming School.

3. At all times, please refrain from using cell phones in the car-line.

4. Any students arriving after 8:50 a.m. should enter through the Pine Street entrance.  The Cypress Street door will be locked.

Dismissal Procedures

1. Students will be dismissed by their teachers:

Kindergarten – Students will exit through the Pine Street door.

1st Grade – Students will exit through the Cypress Street door.

Grades 2 - 4 – Students will exit out the doors to the back of the school.

2. Parents or guardians picking up at dismissal, please stand back from the stairs and meet your child at the designated area posted for your child’s class.  Once a teacher identifies a guardian, students can be dismissed.  If a parent is not present during this time, the child is brought to the main office and phone calls are made.  Please make sure all phone numbers and contact information is current in PowerSchool. (Parents of 4th grade students can opt to have their child walk home on their own by indicating their choice in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.  4th graders are not permitted to accompany their siblings home without a parent/guardian.)

3. Send a written signed note informing us about any changes in your regular dismissal routines. An email is acceptable for last minute changes, addressed to the classroom teacher and Mrs. Vaccaro in the main office. Additionally, please follow up with a phone call to the main office to confirm receipt of your email for any changes after 1p.m.  For students who attend after school programs (other than SAM or Alphabest) please send a letter informing us of this arrangement.

4. Mark your home calendar for any early dismissal days to insure your child’s appropriate supervision.  

It is important that you review with your children the safety considerations they should adhere to while they walk to and from school.  

Here are a few basic safety tips to follow:

  • Never go anywhere with a stranger

  • Never talk to strangers

  • Mind all traffic signals and/or the crossing guard - never cross the street against a light, even if you don’t see any traffic coming

  • Walk with a buddy

  • Wear reflective makes you more visible to street traffic

  • Be respectful of the private properties along the walk routes

Parents are asked not to request that children be excused early except when an emergency makes early dismissal necessary.  Parents are required to come to the main office to pick up their child.  At no time may a child go home with anyone other than a parent or someone specifically designated by the parent.

We thank you again for helping to secure a safe school campus for the students, staff, and parents.